New Content: The Final Lap “Episode 1″

The very first episode of the brand new Formula 1 based podcast “The Final Lap” feturing yours truly and “Mah good colleague” Sean Gray is now live on the Podcasts page or in this post! So dig in and enjoy the ramblings of two F1 fans.

I’ve been looking to do something podcasty for a while now but generally find it hard to find a topic I care enough about to talk long enough about or find a like minded soul to share the burden of saying interesting things. Thankfully Sean was part of a the TWO Community Podcast as I was taking part in and regularly puts his thoughts up in the F1 thread we’ve got going on

So we’ve dived into the murky waters feet first hoping to avoid the rusty trolly’s and broken beer bottles. We’ll try and do something weekly if possible but certainly after every race. sign up to the RSS feed to be notified about new episodes when they come up.

Final Lap Ep3


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